Contact No : 91-08359-200010 / Email : , Products/Planting material at KVK Indi Details of technical experts and farmers

Infrastructure facilities

Adminstrative building

KVK has administrative building 605 sq mt area builtup area. consisting of Office,Staff rooms, computer room, accounts section, store section, Soil and water testing, Laboratory,Training Hall,Exhibition room.

Farmers' Hostel

KVK has farmer hostel facility with farmers room, dining hall, kitchen and wash room facilities

KVK Instrucitonal Farm

KVK has 20 ha. of land, wherein farm trials and seed production activity will be taken up. Redgram, Sorghum and Chickpea seed produciton, lime seedling are major activities were carried at instrucitonal farm of KVK, Indi. The quality seed and seedling will be made avaliable to farming community on charageale basis as per UAS, Dharwad norms.

Farmers Training Hall

A farmer training hall which accomodates 80 farmers with LCD projecor,Computer and sound system facilities with chairs and podium are avliable for conducting trainings to farmers.

Soil and water testing lab

KVK, Indi is having the faicllity of soil and water testing Laboratory, Soil nutrient N,P and K testing done on chargeable basis of Rs. 250 and Ph, and Ec of water is done on charageable basis of Rs. 50. per sample. A detailed test report is prepared based on testing of soil and water sample and same is issued to farmers.

Arka Citurs Speical Produciton

KVK, Indi is having the faicllity of Arka Citurs Special Production unit. The production technology license was taken from IIHR, Bengaluru. This project is sponsored by Karnataka State Lime Development Board, Indi. This unit is established to provide Arka Citurs Speical to the lime growers of the region.

Dragon furit block

KVK, Indi established dragon fruit block

Composite Fish Farming

Composite fish rearing unit

Goat rearing Unit

Goat rearing unit

Azolla Production Unit

Azolla Production unit

Demonstration Units

  1. Horticulture : In 2.5 Ha of area Sapota, Guava ,Pomegrante, Lime are grown.
  2. Vermicompost : 04 pits
  3. Vermiwash Production unit : 03 units
  4. Dairy Unit : 01 No's(HF)
  5. Goat rearing Unit: 20 No's(Osmanabadi)
  6. Backyard poutry unit : 200 No's(DP Cross)
  7. Azolla Production unit : 10 x10 ft